Fun Fact: Christmas Jumper Day

 Christmas Jumper Day.

This trend originated in English-speaking countries and because it´s an activity with solidarity objectives, it has become a tradition that has crossed different borders and has conquered Belgium and other countries. This activity was promoted by the "Save the children" organization, this playful activity invites families to wear a wool sweater with many Christmas details and the more striking and beautiful the better, this event takes place one day before Christmas Eve in order to raise resources for people in need and that these resources are delivered before Christmas.

The main objective of carrying out this beautiful activity is to reflect on human values and sensitize society in general, especially children and young people, about the vulnerable situation in which other children find themselves in the world. Some schools and cultural centers open their doors, with family programming and with the possibility of making donation and gifts for communities in need, the people of Belgium are very empathetic, therefore, the resources that are collected in donations are too many and can help to more people.

The donation is the act that consists of giving funds or other material goods, generally for charitable reasons. What people usually donate to carry out the collection of resources for families in need are: toys for the children (preferably that don´t use batteries), food (non-perishable), clothes (of any size and in good condition), bottles of water, diapers, sanitary napkins. After doing the collection, the volunteers go to places where there are people in need and bring them the donations, as well as prepared food and distribute it.

