Fun Fact: Les trairies á Andenne.

Les trairies á Andenne.

There is a nice tradition from 200 years ago that the bakeries, pastry shops and taverns of Wallonia at Christmas do a card game that allows people to win some cougnous. This beautiful tradition began at the beginning of the 20th century, when some people began to play with traditional cards in a bakery, it´s estimated that these same people played approximately 270 games, but to make the games more interesnting they decided to bet about one tons of delicious cougnous and that´s where this nice tradition of card game win cougnous started.

The rules of the game are: 1. The ten players pay their bet and gather around a table; 2. One of them is chosen by the others to shuffle the cards for the first time. The first beater shuffles the cards and then hands the deck to his neighbor to the right of him, who cuts them. The drummer picks up the cut cards and passes them to his neighbor on the left who hands them out; 3. The distribution is clockwise; 4. Each player receives the card from him. The dealer serves last and turns over the first or last card in the deck. This card becomes the trump card; 5. All the players turn over their card. The winner is the one with the highest card in the trump suit. If no card falls in the trump suit, the round is replayed. 

How are the prizes distributed?

The winner of the first round of the card game takes the top prize, which is a 2 kilogram cougnou (Li Prumi). Subsequently, the winner of the second round wins a 1 kilogram cougnou (Li Deuzinme), the winner of the third round wins 500 gram cougnou (Li Trwesinme), the winner of the fourth round wins a 250 gram cougnou (Li Quatrinme), for the fifth and final round of the card game the winners take home a very small cougnou weighing 125 grams (Li Troye-the sow).   
