

For Belgians, Christmas is one of the most importnatn and beautiful times of the year, which is why when the Christmas season approaches, people begin to buy many things to decorate their houses and pine trees. As Saint Nicholas comes to Blegium on December 6 to distribute gifts to children who have behaved well and to distribute branches to children who have behaved badly, the Christmas tree must already be up, so the Christmas decorations start at the end of November and early December, during this time the stores are usually full.

The traditional Chistmas tree in Belgium is a natural pine tree, but since sustainability and responsible consumption are of great importance to Belgians, the Belgian community plants thousands of pine trees before cutting down the pines for the Christmas tree. For the decoration of the Christmas tree, they use Christmas spheres and lights that make the tree stand out and look much beautiful, some people usually include ribbons to complement the decoration and one of the most important decorations is the star that is placed on top of the Christmas tree, the star represents the star of Bethlehem.

For the internal decoration of the house they usually put some things alluding to Christmas such as Saint Nicholas dolls. For the outside of the house, people usually buy very striking lights and they usually put these lights on the edges of the outside of the house, they place them so that they don´t look crowded, in addition to the lights, some people usually put some plants in the window edging, they also often put garlands on the edge of the houses to make the houses look more beautiful and Christmas themed. 
