Important days.

 Important days.

In Belgium there are several days that are of great importance at Christmas time. For Belgians, the Christmas season begins at the end of November and the beginning of January because during those dates there are different celebratiosn. At the end of November, the Belgians begin to put up the markets, there are different types of markets, some are stalls where desserts are sold (waffles, cougnous, chocolates), other markets are intended to provide an experience of muisc and colored lights that people will not be able to forget.    

Another very important day is December 4 of each year because it´s on this date that Saint Nicholas, accompanied by his beautiful white horse and his companion Pedro the black, visit Belgium to inquire about the children who have behaved well and the children who they have behaved badly. If the children have behaved well, Saint Nicholas retuns on December 6 to leave them some gifts as a reward, but if a child has behaved badly, then Saint Nicholas only leaves branches for them under the Christmas tree.

One of the holiest days for Belgians is December 24, since on this date the sacred Christmas dinner takes place. For Belgians, this dinner is one of the most important of the year because they usually gather with the whole family to enjoy the delicious Christmas dishes. Since dinner is very sacred, dinner is usually very long, it´s divided into three times; the fisrt time is for the starters, then the main dishes are served and finally the desserts are delivered, the desserts are the favorite part of the Belgians since they usually eat their famous cougnou.
