Pheasant stuffed with apple and foie.

Pheasant stuffed with apple and foie. 

One of the typical Christmas dishes in Belgium is the pheasant,the pheasant is a kind of bird the size of a rooester, it has a tuft of feathers on its head, a long and extended tail, and colorful yellow, red and green plumage with a bright reflections; the femalehas brown plumage and a short tail; it´s edible and highly prized as game. The way they serve the pheasant is much like a turkey, but the pheasant is a bit smaller. Pheasant meat is very juicy and nutritious and the fats and proteins are similar to those of a turkey.

The ingredients to prepare the pheasant are: one pheasant, one apple, one potatoe, 100 grams of Foie gras micuit, four sliced bacon, six prunes, half an onion and provencal herbs to taste. You must fill the pheasant with herbs, pieces of apple, plums and foie, then you must cover the breasts with slices of bacon and you must tie it with a thread so that it doesn´t lose its shape. Then you must place the pheasant in the center of the tray and place potatoes on the sides, you must add half a glass of water and wine. Then you have to bake at 180° C in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. Then you must add the sauce.

The recipe for pheasant stuffed with apple and foie gras is a wonderful recipe to prepare at Christmas Eve or Christmas because the ingredients are special and cost more than others and as already been mentioned in the blog, for the inhabitants of Belgium one of the most important dates for them is Christmas because they get together with their relatives to taste delicious Christmas dishes and have dinner together. Christmas dinner in Belgium usually lasts several hours because the traditional menu is usually divided into 3 parts: the starter dish, the strong dish (pheasant) and dessert.    
