Song: Saint Nicholas, Patron des écoliers.

 Saint Nicholas patron saint of students.

The composer of this beautiful Christmas children´s song is Rudy Welvaert, Rudy was born in Wallonia, in this region of Belgium the French lenguage is spoken, therefore this wonderful Christmas children´s song is written and sung in French. This song is called Saint Nicholas patron saint of students because in Belgium there are two figures that represent Santa Claus: one of them is Saint Nicholas and the other, Santa Claus, in the Wallonia region it´s Saint Nicholas who supervises which children have behaved well and which children have misbehaved, as Welvaert was born in the Wallonia part of the region he made the song for Saint Nicholas.

To have a context of what this beautiful Christmas song refers to, we most know that as mentioned above, in Belgium there are two figures that represent Santa Claus: one of them is Saint Nicholas and the other, Santa Claus. Saint Nicholas usually visits the Wallonia region and usually does it twice. The first of the visits is every December 4th in order to find out which children have been good during the year and which children have been too good. If a child is good, Saint Nicholas will return on December 6 with gifts, but if we have misbehaved, Saint Nicholas will only leave us a few twigs under the Christmas tree.

Saint Nicolas, Patron des écoliers.


Saint Nicolas, patron des écoliers,

Apportez-moi du sucre dans mon petit panier.

Je serai toujours sage comme un petit mouton,

Je dirai mes priéres pour avoir des bonbons.

Venez, venez Saint Nicolas!

Venez, venez Saint Nicolas!


Venez Saint Nicolas!


Saint Nicholas, patron saint of students


Saint Nicholas, patron of students,

Bring me sugra in my basket

I´ll always be good as a little lamb

I´ll say my prayers for candy

Come, come Saint Nicholas!

Come, come Saint Nicholas!

Come on!

Come Saint Nicholas!

Tra la la!

This Christmas children song has a very nice rhythm, it makes the song very attractive, also the rhythm makes you want to sing it, because the lyrics are easy and the song is very short, it´s very quick to learn. The song tell us that the children are talking to San Nicolas so that he leaves them sugar in their basket (the sugar is because children are fascinated by things that are sweet) in exchange for them behaving well and saying their prayers. In this way they call San Nicolas to go to his house. 
